The banana schnapps is almost overpowering in its flavor (like butterscotch), so I played around with a few combinations to bring down the sweetness and add more depth to the cocktail. As a bonus, the sour pineapple juice lends almost the perfect color for a true banana cocktail.
Unlike my first banana martini, this drink highlights the banana flavor and has a blend of complex spice aftertaste that compliments wonderfully. This will be one of my new favorites.
Chill an up glass with crushed ice and water. Shake the ingredients with ice in a shaker until it sweats. Strain into the glass and garnish with a slice of banana.
- 3 oz Jack Daniels Bourbon
- 1 oz Banana Schnapps
- 1/2 oz Galliano
- 1 oz Pineapple Juice
- Banana Slice