Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Elvis Martini

A week after I concocted my rendition of the Bacon Martini, I picked up a bottle of Bakon Vodka. And now, a friend alerted me to the new NutLiquor peanut butter booze. Clearly there's an Elvis sandwich in there somewhere. ;)

Since the three bottles of flavored booze in this concoction are pretty clear, the focus here is in the fancy garnish. Little 1 inch Elvis sandwiches skewered on a stir stick complete this sweet drink. The King would be proud!
  • 1 1/2 oz Bakon Vodka
  • 2 oz NutLiquor Peanut Butter Liqueur
  • 2 oz Banana Schnapps
  • 1 oz Simple Syrup
  • Peanut Butter
  • Bacon
  • Toast
  • Banana
Chill an up glass with crushed ice and water. Shake the ingredients with ice in a shaker until it sweats. Strain into the glass and garnish with miniature Elvis sandwiches* skewered on a stir stick.
*Create mini-Elvis sandwiches by slicing the toast and the bacon into one inch squares. The make a double-decker sandwich by layering the toast, peanut butter, bacon, and a slice of banana.